
香溪河库湾春季水华期间浮游轮虫昼夜垂直分布及迁移的研究 被引量:5

Day-night Vertical Distribution and Migration of Planktonic Rotifers During Spring Water-bloom in Xiangxi Bay
摘要 为了了解香溪河库湾春季水华期间浮游轮虫的昼夜垂直分布和迁移情况及其影响因子,在春季甲藻(Peri-diniopsis sp.)水华暴发期间,于2007年2月26日08∶00至27日06∶00对浮游轮虫的昼夜垂直分布进行调查研究。结果表明,轮虫虽在各个水层中均有分布,但是呈聚集分布形式。轮虫密度的垂直分布因种类和时间而异,优势种类广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra vulgaris)、矩形龟甲轮虫(Keratella quadrata)和曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga)白天都存在一定的垂直迁移运动,且都是先向下、再向上的迁移过程,夜晚则不存在垂直迁移现象,且聚集程度明显低于白天。光照强度的变化是轮虫垂直迁移运动的重要影响因子。由于溶解氧和叶绿素a的浓度都很高,二者对轮虫的昼夜垂直变化影响不显著。 The vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers in the water column of Xiangxi Bay Reservoir was investigated on February 26 to 27 , 2007, when the water - bloom-was braking dicated that rotifers distributed unevenly in the whole water column. column. Vertical distribution of rotifers were changeable at different sampling times. of the Three Gorges out. The results inat certain depth in the water Rotifers migrated vertically. Each rotifer species had its own migrating style. The 3 dominant rotifers, Polyarthra vulgaris, and Keratella valga, presented to descending in the morning and ascending in the afternoon. caused by sunlight intensity. As the chlorophyll a and oxygen concentration were very high, Keratella quadrata This may possibly there was enough food for rotifers at any water depth, and oxygen concentration was suitable for rotifers, so there was no significant relationship between rotifers and these two factors.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2008年第4期512-517,共6页 Wetland Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40671197) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KZCX2-YW-427)资助
关键词 轮虫 密度分布 垂直迁移 香溪河库湾 rotifers vertical distribution migration Xiangxi Bay
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