以二硫化碳为溶剂对焦化厂副产粗硫磺进行提纯处理。考察了溶剂用量、溶解次数、结晶温度、结晶时间等因素对纯硫磺产率的影响,实验结果显示:①当二硫化碳的用量(mL)与粗硫磺的量(g)之比为1∶1时,纯硫磺的产率最大,可达61.4%;②纯硫磺的产率随溶解次数的增加而减少,但纯度则相反,溶解4次时,硫的纯度达到一等品的要求,收率为14.3%,溶解5次,达到优等品硫磺的要求,但收率仅为7.1%;③纯硫磺的产率随冷却温度的降低而增加,但当降到5℃时,继续降低温度对产率的影响已不明显;④纯硫磺的产率随结晶时间的延长而增加,但是从40 min起,继续延长时间对纯硫磺的产率影响已不大。
In this article, carbon bisulfide was used as solvent to purify the crude sulfur which is one of the by-products in coking factory. And the effects of use level of the solvent, dissolution frequency, chilling temperature and crystallizing time on the rate of purified sulfur were studied emphatically. The experiment result showed that :①the most suitable ratio between the use level of the solvent(mL) and the quantity of the crude sulfur is 1 : 1 when the rate of production of purified sulfur is 61.4% which is the highest rate; ②the rate of production of purified sulfur is reduced with the increase of dissolution frequency, but on the contrary, the purity of the purified sulfur is increased with the increase of dissolution frequency, when the dissolution frequency is four times,the purified sulfur is first-rate product, the yield is 14.3% ,when the dissolution frequency is five times, the purified sulfur is high-class product, but yield is only 7. 1% ;③ the rate of production of purified sulfur is increased with the dropping of the chilling temperature, but when the chilling temperature dropped to 5 ℃, further dropping chilling temperature could not treat more effects on the rate of production of purified sulfur;④the rate of production of purified sulfur is increased with the prolonging of the crystallizing time, but when the crystallizing time prolong to 40 min, further prolonging crystallizing time could not creat more effects on the rate of production of ourified sulfur also.
Applied Chemical Industry
crude sulfur
carbon bisulfide