
连锁药店总部资源、物流活动与物流能力关系实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study on the Relationship among Chain Pharmacy Headquarters' Resources,Logistics Activities and Logistics Capabilities
摘要 以长株潭地区连锁药店为样本,通过问卷调查和统计方法对连锁药店总部资源、物流活动和物流能力进行分析。研究结论如下:连锁药店物流能力包括成本与服务能力、柔性能力和交货能力;不同的药店类型在连锁总部资源、物流活动和物流能力上具有显著差异;连锁总部资源部分通过总部物流活动对成本及服务能力和交货能力产生积极显著影响,连锁总部资源完全通过总部物流活动对柔性能力产生积极显著影响。在此基础上,提出连锁药店物流能力发展的建议。 Based on the sample from chain pharmacies in Chang - Zhu - Tan Region, by questionnaires and statistics analysis, the relationship among chain pharmacy headquarters' resources , logistics activities and capabilities is analyzed. Here follow the results : (1) the logistics capabilities of chain pharmacies can be divided into cost and service capability, flexibility and delivery cap.ability; (2) according to chain pharmacy types, there are differences in chain headquarters' resources , logistics activities and capabilities; (3) headquarters'logistics activities can partly mediate the significant effects of headquarters'resources on cost and service and delivery capabilities, and can totally mediate the significant effect of headquarters'resources on flexibility. Accordingly, suggestions are made for the development of logistics capabilities of chain pharmacies.
作者 刘莉
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 2008年第12期34-39,43,共7页 Soft Science
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目(05ZC109)
关键词 连锁药店 连锁总部资源 物流活动 物流能力 chain pharmacies headquarters' resources logistics activities logistics capabilities
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