
射流抛光喷嘴的设计 被引量:15

Nozzle Design of Fluid Jet Polishing
摘要 喷嘴的结构和造型决定了冲击射流的动力特性和壁面流动特性,对抛光效果有很大影响。本文提出采用锥柱型喷嘴进行射流抛光能获得较好的射流特性。分析了射流抛光过程对射流特性的要求,提出了射流抛光喷嘴的设计原则,研究了不同几何造型喷嘴的射流特性,对射流喷嘴的不同结构和几何参数对射流特性的影响进行了仿真,模拟结果表明收缩角为13o、长径比为4的锥柱型喷嘴,其射流出口断面流速分布均匀、紊动强度低和磨粒浓度分布均匀,最适合应用于射流抛光。 The jet characteristic of various nozzles with different structure was researched, and the design principle of nozzle was presented by the simulations of the jet characteristics of nozzles with various structures and geometrical parameters. The simulation results show that the fluid jet polishing system with the cone-shaped and columned nozzle can get a better jet characteristic and the geometrical parameters of nozzle affect the jet characteristics. When the shrinking angle is 13° and the ratio of length to diameter is 4, the issuing velocity of nozzle is well-proportioned and the turbulence intensity is low. This kind of nozzle is suitable to be applied in fluid jet polishing system.
出处 《光电工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期131-135,共5页 Opto-Electronic Engineering
关键词 射流抛光 喷嘴 液体喷射 抛光工具 fluid jet polishing nozzle liquid injection polishing tool
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