
艾丽丝·沃克《打开你的心灵》——从萨满角度 被引量:4

Alice Walker’s Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart——A Shamanistic Perspective
摘要 本文运用细读策略,分析了非裔女性作家艾丽丝.沃克在2004年出版的小说《打开你的心灵》的创作中所表现出的一种萨满教意识。小说中对主人公的奇幻梦境和在南美洲热带雨林里所亲历的萨满仪式作了细致入微的描写。沃克在这部梦幻般的小说中,将政治意识、精神探索与充满感性的艺术风格相结合,既有对大自然的赞美,又有对人与自然,人与人之间关系的关注,既深刻抨击了在西方占统治地位的人类中心主义的残忍、贪婪和丑恶,也深情表达了艾丽丝.沃克对人类美好未来的憧憬,揭示出人的命运与自然的命运息息相关,表达了她对世界现状和人类未来命运深邃的思考。 With detailed text analysis as a strategy, this article is an attempt of a shamanistic reading of the novel, Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart, written by African-American woman writer Alice Walker. Kate Nelson is a prolific and successful writer of great fame, when she starts to feel lost in her mid-fifties. There is a magnificent depiction of her lucid dreams and the shaman rituals she experienced in the jungle in South America. In praise of the beauty of nature, Alice Walker, in this novel, expressed her constant concern over the relationships between man and nature and that among people, condemning the cruelty, greed and ugliness of centralization of human beings. She also expressed her optimistic perception towards the future of the world with her deep understanding towards the fate of mankind.
作者 郑澈
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2008年第12期51-57,共7页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 2008年北京第二外国语学院院级项目艾丽丝.沃克--从生态女性主义角度的论文成果
关键词 萨满教 萨满旅程 梦游 疗愈 祖母神 艾丽丝·沃克 《打开你的心灵》 shamanism shamanic journey dreams cure Grandmother Alice Walker Now Is the Time toOpen YourHeart
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