5C Larrinton, ed., The Feminist Companion to Mythology, London: Pandora Press, 1992, p. ix.
6The Feminist Companion to Mythology, p. 230.
7Larry W Hurtado, ed., Goddesses in Religions and Modem Debate, University of Manitoba, 1990.
8Bettina L Knapp, Women in Myth, State University of New York Press, 1997, P185.
9J B Townsend, The Goddess:Fact, Fallacy and Revitalization Movement, in Hurtado ed., Goddesses in Religions and Modem Debate, University of Manitoba, 1990, p179.
10David N Keightley, At the Beginning: The Status of Women in Neolithic and Shang China, NAN NU : Men,Women and Gender In Early and Imperial China, vol. 1, no. 1, March, 1999, pp. 1 - 57.