

Evaluation of cryostripping plus dot stripping and endovenous laser treatment on Varicose veins of lower extremity
摘要 目的:回顾性分析应用冷冻点式剥脱联合EVLT治疗95例下肢静脉曲张的疗效及护理体会。方法:分别采用冷冻点式剥脱术及EVLT对95例下肢静脉曲张进行手术处理,术后观察患者恢复情况;结果:EVLT联合手术剥脱治疗患者35例,使用CPDS治疗患者60例,随访6月至23月,均无局部复发;结论:冷冻点式剥脱联合EVLT治疗下肢静脉曲张具有微创、安全、术后无复发的特点。 Objeetive :T0 investigate the treatment of cryostripping plus dot stripping and endovenous laser treatment on varicosed great saphenous veins surgery. Methods:95 cases with varicesed great sphenous veins were performed with cryostripping plus dot slripping or endovenous laser treatment. Resuhs: Of 95 cases, 35 cases were carried out with endovenous laser treatment , 60 cases were performed with cryostripping plus dot stripping. The follow- up showed no recurrence. Conclusion: Cryostripping plus dot stripping and endovenous laser treatment is optimal techniques on varicosed great saphenous veins surgery.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期95-95,共1页 Laser Journal
关键词 冷冻 激光 静脉曲张 cryostripping laser Varicose veins of lower extremity
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