
二次JPEG压缩对噪音相关性的影响分析 被引量:2

Effect of Double JPEG Compression on Noise Correlation
摘要 为了探索二次JPEG压缩对数字图像与数码相机的噪音相关性的影响,提高利用噪音相关性鉴别数字图像来源的正确性,降低鉴别过程的复杂性,利用高品质的JPEG格式图像进行JPEG压缩实验,从噪音相关性的分布、噪音相关性的大小、鉴别阈值和错误拒绝率四个角度分析了JPEG压缩对噪音相关性的影响.实验结果表明,JPEG压缩会改变噪音相关性的分布特性,噪音相关性与品质因素是二次曲线关系,当品质因素小于90时,鉴别阈值取平均值,错误拒绝率不会产生明显的误差,从而找到了一种利用噪音相关性鉴别二次JPEG压缩图像来源的新捷径. In order to explore the effect of double JPEG compression on noise correlation between digital image and digital camera, improve the validity of identifying digital image origin by noise correlation,and debase the complexity in the process of identification, the experiment of JPEG compression and done by using high quality images in JPEG format. And the effeet of JPEG compression on noise correlation was analyzed from the distribution of noise correlation, the magnitude of noise correlation, the threshold and the false rejection rate of identification. Experiment result shows that JPEG compression may changes the characteristic of distribution of noise correlation, the relation between noise correlation and quality factor is a conic,the error of false rejection rate is not obvious when the threshold of identification is averaged and the quality factor is less than 90. So a new shortcut is found to identify double JPEG compression image origin by using noise correlation.
作者 崔夏荣
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期2580-2584,共5页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 福建省自然科学基金(A0640014)资助
关键词 JPEG压缩 噪音相关性 品质因素 模式噪音 JPEG compression Noise correlation Quality factor Pattern noise
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