Retrograde suction decompression for the management of large or giant paraclinoidal aneurysms,False-negative analysis of cerebral angiography in primary subarachnoid hemorrhage,The study of ultrastructural and regulation mechanism of MMP-9' s overexpression in the patiens with intracranial aneurysms,The value of CTA for microsurgical clipping of ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm
208644 Retrograde suction decompression for the management of large or giant paraclinoidal aneurysms/Jiang Jinli(姜金利,Dept Neurosurg,Chin PLA Gen Hosp,Beijing 100853)…Chin J Neurosurg.-2008,24(7).-514~517Objective To explore the technique and effect of retrograde suction decompression for the management of large or giant paraclinoidal aneurysms.Methods 12 cases of paraclinoidal aneurysms used pterional approach.