自2005年以来,全世界掀起了铝及铝合金厚板系统改、扩建与新建热潮,起源于美国,将终止于中国。工业发达国家多是改扩建,而在发展中国家则多是新建项目,改扩建内容的核心是增加高技术的辊底式固溶处理炉。发达国家的这轮改扩建工作可于2008年结束,而中国的新建项目则可能要延续到2012年。截止到2007年底,全世界生产铝及铝合金厚板的有13个国家共18家企业,总生产能力约1050 kt/a。工业发达国家厚板的生产能力经过改扩建后约增加了50%,而中国仅中铝东北轻合金有限责任公司与西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司的新建项目在2009年末完成后,形成的新生产能力就是原来生产能力的9倍,中国将成为全球厚板产能最大者。厚板市场容量有限,进入此领域的投资者在项目规模、建厂时间、建厂地点等方面应做充分的论证与规划。对厚板生产技术不可低估。中国还宜建铸造厚板项目与厚板深加工中心。
Since 2005, the tide of new construction, reconstruction and expansion of almninum and aluminum alloy plate system has been heated up all around the world, which was originated from America and will be terminated by China. Most new constmctian projects are performed in developing countries. While developed countries often reconstruct and expand the system by adding the highly technological roller hearth furnace unit as its core. This may finish at the end of 2008, but China' s newly construction project cannot end until 2012. By the end of 2007, 18 enterprises in 13 countries have produced aluminmn and aluminum alloy plates, with about 1,050 kt/a total capacity. After reconstruction and expansion, the plate capacity of developed countries increased about 50%. However, the fresh capability of new construction projects, which will be completed at the end of 2009 in Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd. and Southwest Aluminum Co., Ltd. ( subsidiaries of Aluminmn Corporation of China), will be nine times as the original capacity. Thus, China will have the largest capacity of plate in the word. Due to the limited market capacity in this field, investors should make sufficient demonstration and plan for the project scale, time and site, and should not underestimate the production technology of plate. It is also suitable for China to establish plate casting projects and plate deep processing center.
Light Alloy Fabrication Technology
aluminium 'alloy plate
roller hearth furnace unit
prestretch for plate
cast plate