
美国大学内部决策的形成过程与权力机制——以纽约城市大学补偿教育政策为例 被引量:2

The Policy-making Process and Power System in American Universities:A Case Study on CUNY Remediation Policy
摘要 以纽约城市大学为例,分析其取消补偿教育的政策制定过程以及其中所体现的权力机制。发现取消补偿教育的政策议程的形成、备选方案提出以至到最终政策出台,是包括市长、州长、律师团体、教授、学生和各种团体组织施加影响下的政策制定过程。该案例反映了美国大学内部决策的形成实际上是一个政治过程,不只是理性管理决策的单纯结果,更多的是不同利益和政治权力竞争的过程和产物。 Taking City University of New York as instance, the article analyzes the policy-making process and power system in its remediation policy. The result shows that the policy making process, from putting it into the policy agenda, setting forward policy alternatives to making the policy, is a course in which the Mayor, Governor, judge, professor, student and various political groups have their own effect on. The study indicates that the policy-making process in American universities is actually a political process. It is not only a result of policy making of rational management, but also a product and process of political competition.
作者 王占军
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期54-60,共7页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 教育政策 补偿教育 开放入学 政策议程 备选方案 education policy remedial education open admissions policy agenda policy alternatives
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