Professor Liang Yi-zun has a oringinal view in the treatment of unconsciousness in the course of epdemic febrile diseases and her treatment is very successful.Combined traditional chinese medicine with modern medicine in clinical practice,compared the summer fever and damp fever of unconsciousness in the course of epidemic febrile diseases with it in epidemic bacterial cerbrospinal meningitis,encephalitis B,toxic dysentery in the diagnosis,differential diagnosis and treatment,she pays an attention to the primary cause of the unconsciousness in the course of epidemic febrile diseases,draws a distinction between the type of heat-toxin attacking the Ying system and the disposition to the phlegm damp.She emphases the importance of understanding the type of diseases and combination the differention of the symptoms,signs and the differention of diseases.She suggests the 4 treatment methods including clear up the Ying system and remove toxin materials,cool the blood and dissipate blood stasis,clear away pestilence and toxic material,and damp-dissolving aromatics;and emphases the application of three essentials and reforms the way of taking medicine.Senior Liang also suggests that the observation of patients' passive reaction,muscular tension,the skin color and the signs of glossa and pulse is important in the detemination of the degree of unconsciousness and the favorable or unfavorable of the sign-symptoms.It brings about a new views in the determination the degree and prognosis of unconsciousness for the doctor specialized in the traditional Chinese medicine.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
unconsciousness in the course of epidemic febrile diseases,diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of the illness and patient's condition,the experience of senior doctor of traditional Chinese medicine