Objective To obseve the effect of taurine on the development of amygdala kindling in rats. Methods Rats with electrode implanted into their amgydalas were divided into two groups:control group(i.c.v. injection of 20μl N.S) and taurine group(i.c.v. injection of 20μl taurine). Electrical stimulation of the right amgydala (400μA, 60Hz, square wave for one sec) was given once a day. EEG and after discharge duration were recorded and seizure severity was observed. Results All rats in the control group were kindled at the 13. 23±4. 2 times of electrical stimulation . Only two rats in taurine group were kindled. The rate of kindling showed significant differences between the two groups( P =0.0035). Ceasing of taurine injection for the unkindled rats in taurine group while continuing the stimulating , the rats were finally kindled at 21.9±7.2 times of electrical stimulation. There were significant differences between the two groups( t=2.95,P< 0. 01) . Conclusion Taurine had inhibitory effect on the development of amgydala kindling in rats.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Qingdao Universitatis