
脉冲等离子体推力器羽流的粒子模拟 被引量:3

Simulation of Flume of Pulsed Plasma Thruster by DSMC/PIC Fluid Hybrid Method
摘要 目前微小卫星正在积极地发展中,脉冲等离子体推力器是其推进系统的一个重要发展方向,为了能够将PPT成功地运用于空间,需对其羽流进行研究。将DSMC(Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo)/PIC(Particle in Cell)流体混合算法与一维MHD放电模型相结合,一体化模拟NASA Glenn PPT羽流,对不同出口偏转角的羽流场进行模拟,并与实验结果进行了比较。计算结果显示引入出口速度的偏转角提高了模型的羽流扩散能力,羽流的扩散角是影响羽流的一个主要因素。 At present, micro-satellltes and small satellites are under rapid development. The pulsed plasma thruster is a good choice for its propellant system. For space application, the flume is in a great need to be studied. In this paper, DSMC(Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo)/PIC (Particle in Cell) fluid hybrid method and one-dimension MHD discharge model are used to simulate the NASA Glenn PPT flume from end to end. The distribution of deflection angle at the thruster outlet is achieved by calculation and comparison between experimental results. The results show that the deflection angle at the thruster outlet can improve the diffusion of flume, thus making an important factor influencing the simulation results.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期6-9,共4页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10772195) 国家部委基金项目
关键词 DSMC/PIC流体混合算法 一维MHD放电模型 脉冲等离子体推力器 羽流 DSMC/PIC fluid hybrid method one-dimension discharge model pulsed plasma thruster flume
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