One new species of the genus Tetrix LatreiUe, Tetrix nanpanjiangensis sp. nov. is described. This new species can be distinguished from Tetrix guibeiensis Zheng, Lu and Li, 2000 by: 1) in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming a right angle; 2) frontal ridge slightly cocave between lateral ocellus; 3) anterior margin of pronotum straight; 4) anterior half of disc of pronotum slightly arched, posterior half flat in profile; 5) without a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulder; 6) third pulvillus of first tarsus longer than first and second. It appears similar to Tetrix tinkhami Zheng et Liang, 1998, but differs from the latter by it hind wings slightly not reaching top of hind process, width of midfemur narrower than width of tegmina. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, China and Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Hechi University, China.
记述采自云南东部地区蚱属1新种,即南盘江蚱Tetrix nanpanjiangensis,sp.nov.。该新种近似于桂北蚱 Tetrix guibeiensis Zheng,Lu and Li,2000,主要区别为本新种:1)侧观头顶与颜面隆起成直角形;2)颜面隆起在侧单眼处略凹陷;3)前胸背板前缘平直;4)侧观背板上缘肩前弧形,其后平直;5)肩部不具1对短纵隆线;6)第1跗节下之第3垫大于第1、2垫。新种与丁氏蚱Tetrix tinkhami Zheng et Liang,1998也近似,但新种后翅不到达后突的顶端,中足股节宽度明显狭于前翅宽。
The project is supported by the Guangxi Education Department Foundation of China (200607MS035)
Excellent Talents in Guangxi Higher Education Institutions (0834)