
CSS型量子卷积码的编译码方法 被引量:2

Encoding and Decoding of CSS-Type Quantum Convolution Codes
摘要 定义量子态的多项式表示形式,根据Calderbank-Shor-Steane(CSS)型量子码的构造方法,给出CSS型量子卷积码的一种新的编译码方法并对编译码网络作出描述.该方法将码字基态变换为信息多项式与生成多项式的乘积,然后用量子态上的多项式乘法操作实现编译码网络.这种编译码方法具有高度结构化,思路简单,网络易于实现的特点. The polynomial representation of a quantum state is defined. Based on the Calderbank-Shor- Steane(CSS)-type construction of quantum codes, a new method for encoding and decoding of CSS- type quantum convolution codes is presented. Its corresponding networks are also described. The basis state of the code is transformed into the multiplication of an information polynomial by the generator polynomial. Then networks can be realized with operations of polynomial multiplication. The simple method possesses a highly regular structure, and the networks are easy to realize.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期121-124,共4页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60672119) 国防预研基金项目(9140A24010607DZ0124)
关键词 量子卷积码 编译码 多项式乘法 循环移位 quantum convolution codes encoding and decoding polynomial multiplication cyclic shifting
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