
光母板技术在航电系统中的应用研究 被引量:3

Research on Optical Backplane Applied to Avionics System
摘要 随着航空电子技术的不断发展,传统的航空电子系统的母板总线在传输带宽、传输距离、EMI等方面正面临着巨大挑战。光母板技术实现了光纤高密度高可靠性的互连,这为航电统一光纤网络应用于先进航电系统打下了坚实基础。本文介绍了光母板技术在国内外的发展以及在航电系统中的应用情况;最后,针对光母板技术在我国航电系统中的应用提出了某些建议。 With the development of avionics technology, the traditional avionics backplane bus are faced more and more with a great challenge in regard to transmission bandwidth, transmission distance, EMI, etc. Optical backplane technology laid a robust foundation for applying avionics optical-fibre unified network to advanced avionics system because it has implemented optical-fibre reliable high density interconnection. The current development status of optical backplane and its application to avionics system both in domestic and in foreign countries are proposed in this paper. Finally, focused on the application circumstances of optical backplane technology to avionics system in our country some suggestions are given.
出处 《航空电子技术》 2008年第4期44-47,53,共5页 Avionics Technology
关键词 光母板 高密度光纤互连 航电统一光纤网络 optical backplane high density optical interconnect avionics optical unified network
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