

Exploration of ΔY_r under two kinds of working conditions under which the track dozer's tail is not only lifted but also its head is dropped or lifted
摘要 运用探求ΔYr(推土机铰点O每区间末在纵向垂直偏离本区间台车架基线之数量)的基本思路,分别研究了履带式推土机尾扬头陷和头扬工况下的ΔYr,导出了二种工况下ΔYr的表达式;利用铲刀纵前向运动的履带式推土机模型对二工况下克服后扰及β型扰动分别进行了物理仿真.研究结果表明:在这二种工况下,无论本区间内履带下地形如何,自控系统可根据各工况下导出的ΔYr表达式及铲刀刃纵倾轨迹角αc的控制公式克服履带下地形的扰动,使αc最终等于期望的铲刀刃纵倾轨迹角α.′仿真结果证实了导出的ΔYr表达式正确,使αc的控制公式在这二种工况下的应用上迈出了关键的一步. △Yr is produced by dozer's pivot O when it is displaced longitudinally perpendicular to starting line of the frame during the end of every interval. With the help of the basal thought on exploring △Yr, the △Yr under two kinds of working conditions under which the track dozer's tail is not only lifted but also its head is dropped or lifted are studied separately and derived one by one. The physical simulations are also made one by one under the two kinds of working conditions for overcoming the back turbulence and fl type turbulences with the help of the track dozer model to represent the blade which moves forward longitudinally. The physical simulations make clear that under the two kinds of working conditions, no matter how different the topography under the tracks during the present interval is, the automatic control system can overcome the turbulences of the topography under the tracks and make αc to near and finally equal to the desirous for the trace angles α′ of the blade's edge in moving forward longitudinally according to △Yr formulas, derived and the control formula for αc. The results of the physical simulations confirm AY, formula derived. The base is founded on the application of the formula for controlling the trace angles αc in moving forward longitudinally for track dozer blade's edge under the two kinds of working conditions.
作者 荣彦
出处 《长沙交通学院学报》 2008年第4期72-77,106,共7页 Journal of Changsha Communications University
关键词 履带式推土机 铰点O纵向垂直位移量 尾扬头陷工况 头扬工况 铲刀刃纵倾轨迹角αc 物理仿真 track dozer perpendicular drift quantities of hinge point O in moving forward longitudinally
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