格尔木燃气电站是青海省首座利用天然气作为能源来发电的燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组的电站,该机组采用"1+1+1"型式,即一套燃气轮发电机组、一台余热锅炉和一套蒸汽轮发电机组,蒸汽轮发电机组所带出力及运行状况直接受到燃气轮发电机组的影响和制约,因此燃气轮发电机组的自动控制系统就显得极为重要,格尔木燃气电站则采用目前最先进的MARK VI作为燃气轮发电机组自动控制系统。文章从MARK VI在格尔木燃气电站的应用情况及调节能力方面进行了分析和阐述。
Ge' ermu gas station is the first gas - steam combined - cycle unit station of using natural gas as primary energy resources to generating in Qinghai. The unit adopts "1 + 1 + 1" distribution type, which a set of gas - turbine generator, a waste heat boiler and a set of steam - turbine generator. Gas - turbine generator directly affects the output and operation situation of steam - turbine generator; therefore automatic control system of gas - turbine generator looks more important. The Ge' ermu gas station adopts the advanced international level MARK VI as gas - turbine generator' s automatic control system. The paper analyses and expounds MARK VI' s application situation and regulation ability on Ge' ermu gas station.
Qinghai Electric Power