150 MW级燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组是格尔木燃气电站首次引进的国内海拔最高的燃气机组。文章介绍了余热锅炉燃机点火、自产蒸汽进行蒸汽吹管相关的经验、问题及解决方法,根据该机组高、低压2个循环回路各自相对独立的特点,在吹管工作中,采用了并列吹扫方式,使吹管期间燃机余热得到了充分利用,节省了吹扫时间,节约了燃料,缩短了工期,收到了良好的经济效益与社会效益。
The paper introduces the first time adopted and highest elevation of 150 MW gas - steam combined cycle waste - heat boiler's blowing experience, problems and solution in Ge'ermu Gas Staion. According to the character of individually circulating loop of high and low pressure, the paratactic blowing mode has been adopted in the blowing process, and the waste - heat has been completely utilized in the process, also this mode has economized time and fuel greatly, as well as shorten the project time, thus it obtains favorable economic and social benefit.
Qinghai Electric Power