
不确定奇异系统的有限时间容错控制器设计 被引量:1

Design of Fault-tolerant Controller with Finite Time for Uncertain Singular Systems
摘要 讨论了不确定线性奇异系统的有限时间容错控制问题.针对一类具有时变外部扰动的不确定奇异系统,运用线性矩阵不等式方法(LMI),设计了鲁棒容错状态反馈控制律,使得当奇异系统执行器发生故障时,故障闭环系统仍然是无脉冲的,且保持有限时间状态稳定,同时也给出了有限时间容错控制器存在的充分条件和设计方法,数值算例验证了该容错控制设计方法的有效性. The problems of finite-time fault-tolerant control for uncertain singular systems with exogenous disturbance are discussed. The disturbance is assumed time-varying and norm-bounded. Based on linear matrix inequality(LMI), LMI a robust fault-tolerant state feedback controller is designed against actuator failures. The controller designed can guarantee that the resultant closed-loop system is impulse-free and finite-time stability. A sufficient condition for the existence of finite-time fault-tolerant controller and designing technique are given. A numerical example shows the validity of the proposed method.
机构地区 三峡大学理学院
出处 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第6期105-108,共4页 Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences
基金 湖北省教育厅项目(D200613002)
关键词 容错控制 有限时间稳定 线性矩阵不等式 fault-tolerant control finite-time stability linear matrix inequality
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