
铁粉的高速压制成形 被引量:20

High velocity compaction of ferrous powder
摘要 采用高速压制技术制备铁基制品,探讨了冲击能量及冲击速度与冲击行程之间的关系,并研究了冲击能量、压制方式对生坯密度、最大冲击力、脱模力和径向弹性后效的影响.结果表明:在高速压制过程中,冲击能量与冲击行程呈线性关系,而冲击速度与冲击行程呈抛物线关系.生坯密度随着冲击能量的增加而逐渐增大.单次压制时,当冲击能量增加到6510 J时,生坯密度达到7.336 g/cm^3,其相对密度约为97%.在总冲击能量相同的情况下,两次压制制备出的试样生坯密度最大,三次压制的最小.在高速压制过程中,试样的脱模力及其径向弹性后效均远低于传统压制. Ferrous parts were prepared through high velocity compaction (HVC), the relationship between the impact energy, the impact velocity and the stroke length was investigated. The effects of impact energy and compaction methods on the green density, the maximal impact force, the withdraw force and the radial springback were discussed. The results showed that the impact energy was direct proportional to the stroke length and the impact velocity is parabolic to it. The green density increased with the impact energy increasing. In single impact the green density was 7.336 g/cm^3, relative density about 97%, when impact energy was 6510 J. For the same total impact energy the green density of specimen processed by double impacts was the best and that of specimen fabricated by triplex impacts was the lowest. The withdraw force and the radial springback of specimen produced by HVC were all lower than that of specimen processed by traditional compaction.
出处 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期589-592,共4页 Chinese Journal of Materials Research
基金 国家973计划2006CB605207 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划12P407资助项目~~
关键词 材料合成与加工工艺 粉末冶金 生坯密度 高速压制 冲击能量 脱模力 synthesizing and processing technics, PM, green density, high velocity compaction, impact energy, withdraw force
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