
等离子喷涂纳米WC-17Co涂层高温磨损性能 被引量:5

Wear behavior of plasma sprayed nanostructured WC-17Co coatings at elevated temperature
摘要 磨损是材料失效的主要失效形式之一,纳米WC-Co涂层技术可望成为解决重大装备关键零部件耐磨的关键技术。文中用等离子喷涂的方法制备了纳米WC-17Co涂层以及超细WC-17Co涂层,研究了涂层的高温磨损性能及失效机理。结果表明,WC-17Co纳米涂层与同成分的超细涂层相比具有较高的耐高温磨损性能。纳米涂层与超细涂层高温磨损失效机理不同,WC-17Co纳米涂层的高温磨损失效机理以磨粒磨损为主,伴随着黏着磨损,超细涂层的高温磨损失效机理以低延性开裂和黏着磨损为主,伴随有磨粒磨损。 Wear is one of main material failure forms. Nanostructured WC-Co coating technology is expected to become a key technology to solve wear-resistance of critical components in large-scale equipments. Nanostructured and ultra-fine WC-17Co coatings were prepared by plasma spraying. The wear behavior at elevated temperature and failure mechanism were investigated. The results indicate that wear resistance at high temperature of the nanostructured WC-17Co coating is much better than that of the ultra-fine coating. The wear mechanism is different between the ultra-fine coating and the nanostructured coating, which low-ductility cracking and abrasive wear following with adhesive wear predominates in ultra-fine coating, and adhesive wear following with abrasive wear predominates in nanostructured coating.
出处 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期53-56,60,共5页 Transactions of The China Welding Institution
基金 成都市科技攻关项目(07GGYB579GX-010)
关键词 纳米涂层 WC-17Co 高温磨损 nanostructured coatings WC-17Co elevated temperature wear
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