
中国的球盖菇科(三)沿丝伞属 被引量:1

Strophariaceae of China (Ⅲ) Naematoloma
摘要 通过对吉林农业大学菌物研究所标本馆(HMJAU)、中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)、中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆隐花植物标本室(HKAS)和广东微生物研究所标本馆(HMIGD)的105份标本的宏观形态和微观结构的观察,共报道中国沿丝伞属(NaematolomaP.Karsten)真菌6种,其中1个拟定新种,即圆盘沿丝伞(拟)(Naematoloma discodium Meng T.X.et Tolgor);1个中国新记录种,即亚绿沿丝伞[Naematolo-ma subviride(Berk.&Curt.)Smith A.H.];内蒙古、吉林、江西、西藏新记录种烟色沿丝伞[Naematoloma capnoides(Fr.)P.Karsten]和内蒙古、四川新记录种亚砖红沿丝伞[Naematoloma sublateritium(Fr.)P.Karsten]。 Based on the observation of 105 specimens deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Jilin Agricuhural University (HMJAU), Mycological Herbarium of Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (HMAS), Herbarium of Cryptogams, Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (HKAS), and Mycological Herbarium of the Microbiology Institute of Guangdong (HMIGD), 6 species of Naematolomawere reported, including 1 new species, 2 new records to China, and 6 new records in some provinces. Naematoloma discodium Meng T. X. et Tolgor was a new species, Naematoloma subviride (Berk. & Curt. ) Smith A. H. was a new record to China, Naematoloma capnoides (Ft.) P. Karsten (Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Jiangxi, Tibet), Naematoloma sublateritium (Fr.) P. Karsten (Inner Mongolia, Sichuan) was new record in some provinces.
出处 《菌物研究》 CAS 2008年第4期190-207,共18页 Journal of Fungal Research
基金 科技部基础性工作专项基金项目(2006FY120100)
关键词 沿丝伞属 形态学分类 地理分布 担孢子 Naematoloma morphological taxonomy geographic distribution Basidiospores
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