
基于振型损伤的高层建筑结构地震破坏准则 被引量:5

Seismic Damage Model of Tall Building Structure Based on Modal Damage Indices
摘要 针对高层建筑结构在地震作用下的地震损伤现象,参考国内外房屋建筑结构的损伤分析模型,本文以地震作用下高层建筑结构各阶振型对应的损伤指数为基础,建立了新的高层建筑结构地震破坏准则,通过这些准则计算分析了国内21幢高层建筑结构模拟地震振动台试验模型,并结合振动台试验结果划定了按这些准则进行计算时各种结构破坏状态对应的破损指数范围。探讨了在基于性能的抗震设计中如何应用这些准则的原理与方法,并以日美联合足尺实验模型为例作了说明与论证。 Modal and overall damage models for tall building structures subjected to seismic excitation are defined and studied. The modal damage indices are calculated from the variation of the frequency square or the modal stiffness of tall building structures during excitation. The overall damage model requires the use of various weighted-average rules for combining the modal damage into overall damage. Next, on the basis of 21 shaking table modal test results of small-scale tall building structure, a statistical analysis is performed, and the damage index range of different damage stages is presented. Finally, U.S.-Japan cooperative full-scale pseudo-dynamic test is given as an example to verify the reliability of the proposed seismic damage model.
作者 汪梦甫
出处 《工程抗震与加固改造》 2008年第6期24-32,共9页 Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting
关键词 模型实验 振型损伤 高层建筑结构 地震破坏准则 model test modal damage tall building structure seismic damage model
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