
动力传动系统和悬架对改善燃油经济性的潜力及局限性 被引量:3

Areas of Potential and Limits for Reducing Fuel Consumption Through Action on Powertrain and Suspension
摘要 本文给出了动力传动系统和悬架的潜力范围及不同技术的机会和局限性。影响车辆燃油经济性的变速器的关键参数包括档位数、速比间隔、总速比分布、用于优化发动机特性的振动阻尼系统、内部损失及对效率的影响、影响驱动阻力的部件重量等。车辆用动力传动系统的设计还有一个重要的任务是帮助用户在经济性和动力性两方面之间找到一个平衡。本文对其采用的概念、设计关系、控制技术等进行了逐一描述。 This paper sets out the areas of potential for products from powertrain and suspension technology and describes the opportunities and limitations of different technologies. Key parameters of the transmission which affect the fuel economy of a vehicle include the number of gears, the ratio steps, the total ratio spread, the vibration damping system for optimal use of the engine characteristics, internal losses and their impact on efficiency, and the unit weight which influences the driving resistance. The overall design of the powertrain in a vehicle also has an important role to play in helping customers to find the right balance between fuel economy and dynamics. The conceptual, design-related, and control-technology measures adopted are explained here.
出处 《传动技术》 2008年第4期3-20,31,共19页 Drive System Technique
关键词 燃油经济性 动力传动系统 悬架 底盘 Fuel Consumption Powertrain Suspension Chassis
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