Since 1949 Chinese cities have increased siginificantly both in size and number. On the basis of the calculation of comparable increase speed of cities' population. the general character and spatial disparity of Chinese urban development are analyzed in tree periods as 1949-1957. 1957-1978 and 1978-1995 in this paper.As the increase rate of urban population is affected by the size of cities. all the cities are put into four groups by their non-agriculture population in each period. and the cities in each group in every period are classified into three grades as with high.middle and low increase speed according to their increase rate. Then the distributions of the cities with a high and low increase speed are both discussed.As a conclusion the thesis indicates that:(1)The increase speed of China's urban population in the three periods typically shapes as a saddle. i. e.. the speed in the first and third period is higher and in the secoud period is lower. (2)The large cities with a population of more than one millon and 0. 5-1 million have a typical fluctuation which is not what the policymaker had thought as and wishes to be. (3) The key area of urban development in the period of 1949-1937 was west China. then the middle area. and since 1978 under the open and reform policy east China has become the key area. (4)The cities in the northern part of China have a far higher increase speed than the those in the southern part in the first period. the cities in south and north area are of about the same speed in growth in the second period. while the south cities develop faster than the north ones after 1978. (5) The cities in east China are remaining 'a higher developing speed than those in west area. and so do the south cities than the north ones. (6)The changes of spatial disparity of cities' population growth are similar to the tranform of macro economic policy in China.Keywods: population size of cities: comparable increase speed: spatial disparity
Economic Geography