基于对Shape文件格式的深入研究,选用Visual C++程序设计语言独立研发林业空间规划系统。通过对Shape文件存储结构的介绍,给出如何读取坐标点值的算法。同时对实际坐标系与逻辑坐标系之间的转换关系进行讨论,提出相应的转换原理。根据算法设计及转换公式,最终实现矢量地图和属性表的显示等最基本的GIS功能。实践证明,所述的原理方法能够正确读取矢量文件,输出的结果与其它专业GIS软件相同,可以为自主知识产权的系统开发提供基础模块与技术支持。
Based on the studies on shape files, Visual C ++ was selected to develop forestry spatial programming system. The arithmetic was got to read the value of coordinates by recommending the shape files storage structure and the principle of conversion between the actual system of coordinates and the logical system of coordinates was proposed. Some functions of Geographic Information System (GIS) such as display of vector map and the attribute databanks have been achieved basically. It was proved that the method could provide the basic program and technical support for software development of independent intellectual property, which could read vector documents exactly and display results of vector map was the same as standard GIS software.
Forest Engineering