
要素—产品比价研究:国际经验与历史证据 被引量:5

Research on the Price Relations of Factor to Product: International Experience and Historical Evidence
摘要 中国要素价格决定机制不合理、要素价格体系扭曲,已经达成普遍共识。瓦尔拉斯一般均衡理论表明,市场机制通过价格信号配置资源,均衡价格体系由最优交换比率或比价关系界定。相对价格比绝对价格更有意义,比价变化是价格合理性识别的关键。文章借助历史研究方法,利用大量国际历史数据,考察主要发达国家产品-要素价格调整历史,探究其一般发展规律,以期为研究我国要素价格问题提供国际经验和历史参照系。 There is a broad consensus that factor price system and its determining mechanism is distorted in China. As proved by general equilibrium theory, market mechanisms allocate resources by price signals and the equilibrium price system is determined by optimal exchange rate or price relations. So it is the relative price rather than the absolute price that is more important. The variation of relative price is the key factor to identify the rationality of price system. This paper is based on a great deal of data and uses the historical method to examine the historical data of price determining mechanism and price adjustment in some major developed countries during the Industrial Revolution and tries to find the disciplines in it, through which we expect to provide some referential international experiences for China.
作者 郝枫 肖红叶
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期59-67,共9页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划课题(TJTJ08-001) 天津财经大学科研发展基金项目(Q0806)
关键词 价格调整 要素-产品比价 国际经验 历史证据 price adjustment price relations of factor to production international experience historical evidence
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