在洁净度100级环境中,根据洁净、行程、空间等要求,选定"伺服电机+滚珠丝杠+滚动直线导轨"的驱动方式垂直提升重物。采用两根滚珠直线导轨副克服重物偏载对滚珠丝杠的弯矩。分析计算了滚珠丝杠的轴向载荷、强度、刚度、稳定性和升降机构的整体受力模型,与Ansys workbench对机构进行的建模及应力应变分析结果进行了比较。研究了运动部件的润滑脂对超净环境的影响。
In the 100 cleansing of the environment,in accordance with the cleanliness and the itinerary,space requirements,selecting "servo motor + rolling ball screw + linear guide" drive mode vertically lifts weights. Two Ball linear guides are designed to overcome the eccentric load of ball screw moment. The ball screw axial load,strength,rigidity,stability and the lifting of the overall model are analysised,comparing with the stress-strain analysis results of Ansys workbench for modeling agencies. Investigating the results of lube in the 100 circumstances.
Machinery Design & Manufacture