
海水浸泡对烧冲复合伤犬血流动力学的影响 被引量:3

Influence of seawater immersion on hemodynamics in dogs after burn-blast combined injury
摘要 目的:建立犬烧冲复合伤后海水浸泡的实验模型,探讨海水浸泡对烧冲复合伤犬血流动力学的影响。方法:17只健康成年杂交犬随机分为两组,对照组:致烧冲复合伤后直接观察(n=7);浸泡组:致伤后置入21℃海水中浸泡4 h(n=10),于致伤前及伤后4 h、7 h、10 h、20 h、28 h测定血流动力学指标。结果:浸泡组出水后犬血流动力学各指标显著恶化,外周平均动脉压(MAP)、心脏指数(CI)、左室每搏功指数(LVSW I)等持续下降;而全身血管阻力指数(SVR I)随时间延长呈恢复趋势。对照组致伤前后多数血流动力学指标无显著变化。结论:海水浸泡可导致实验犬血流动力学状况明显恶化。 Objective: To evaluate the effects of seawater immersion on hemodynamics in dogs after burn - blast combined injury and establish a relevant experimental model. Methods: Seventeen healthy dogs were randomly divided into two groups. The dogs in the control group ( n = 7 ) only suffered burn - blast combined injury, while those in seawater immersion group ( n = 10) underwent seawater immersion after suffered burn - blast combined injury. Their hemodynamic changes were recorded before injury and at 4, 7, 10, 20, 28 h after injury, respectively. Results: MAP ( mean arterial blood pressure) , CI ( cardiac index ) and LVSWI ( left ventricular - stroke work index ) all decreased significantly in seawater immersion group compared with those in control group ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; and SVRI ( systemic vascular resistance index) had a tendency to recover with time passing. However, most of the hemodynamic indexes in control group did not change markedly before and after injury. Conclusion: Seawater immersion after burn - blast combined injury can worsen the hemodynamic status in dogs.
作者 詹刚 赖西南
出处 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2009年第1期16-19,共4页 Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Southwest China
基金 全军"十五"规划指令性课题(01L011)
关键词 海水浸泡 烧冲复合伤 血流动力学 seawater immersion burn - blast combined injury dog hemodynamics
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