
儿童的性别刻板印象对其愿望理解的影响 被引量:7

Gender Stereotype in Children's Desire Understanding
摘要 在经典的愿望理解任务中加入与角色性别特征相符或相悖的玩具偏好信息,当信息中出现的玩具与测验玩具相同或同属一个性别组时,考察256名3到8岁儿童的愿望理解成绩是否会受性别刻板印象的影响。结果表明:(1)儿童为他人选择玩具时性别刻板印象的影响随年龄逐渐增强,在不知被预测角色玩具兴趣的情况下,女孩比男孩更刻板,所有被试对女性角色比对男性角色更刻板;(2)儿童利用信息的能力随年龄逐渐提高。测验玩具与信息中出现过的玩具出自同一性别组(表征对应),与该玩具在测验中直接出现(直接对应)相比,会显著增加儿童的判断难度,但女孩为女性角色的判断相对不受影响;(3)如果被预测的男性角色与儿童性别刻板印象相悖,会显著影响各年龄儿童的愿望理解成绩,但如果是被预测的女性角色与儿童的刻板印象相悖,则仅会对7到8岁儿童的愿望理解成绩造成影响。 Additional information about target's toy preference either consistent or inconsistent with children's own gender stereotypes was added to the standard theory of mind desire experiment. This study aimed to test whether the understandings of others' desire in 256 children aged from 3 to 8 would be affected by their gender stereotype. Two conditions were examined. In condition 1, the toy that had been used in the target's description reappeared in the test; in condition 2, the toy that had been used in the target's description was replaced by another toy of the same gender group in the test. The results showed that (1) With growth of the age, the gender stereotype in children's toy preferences for others was strengthened. When choosing toys for targets without any toy preference information, girls' stereotype was stronger than boys, and the stereotype for male roles was stronger than female roles. (2)Children's abilities to utilize additional information increased with age. While the toy used in the target's description was replaced by another toy of the same gender group, it would be more difficult for children to understand and categorize by abstract representations. But this did not happen in girls' predictions for female targets. (3)Male targets' counter-stereotype information reduced the accuracy of children's understandings of others' desire in all the three age groups, while female targets' counter-stereotype information only exerts influence on the performance of children of 7 to 8 years old.
作者 苏彦捷 杜丹
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金"心理理论获得机制的再分析:自我-他人心理理解的视角"(30770728) 项目负责人:苏彦捷 北京市自然科学基金"0-3岁幼儿互依型自我建构发展的研究"(7072036) 项目负责人:苏彦捷 秦惠君与李政道中国大学生见习进修基金"愿望理解能力及性别刻板印象对儿童预测他人兴趣的影响"
关键词 性别刻板印象 愿望理解 信息利用 玩具选择 gender stereotype desire understanding information utilization toy choice
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