
蒙太格PTQ系统的内涵逻辑 被引量:1

The Intensional Logic of Montague's PTQ System
摘要 蒙太格的PTQ系统通过三部分最终完成了对自然语言形式化的处理,它们分别是:建构一个部分英语语句系统的语形;给出内涵逻辑的语形和语义;通过翻译规则,给出部分英语语句的语义。PTQ系统中最具创造性的内容之一是它的内涵逻辑思想,这对正确翻译英语语句语义至关重要。分析探讨PTQ系统中的内涵逻辑思想对我们深化汉语的形式化研究同样具有重要意义。 Montague's PTQ system eventually completes the work of formalizing natural language through three parts, namely building a syntax about part of English statement system; giving syntax and semantic of intensional logic; giving semantics about part of the English statement through translation rules. In PTQ system one of the most creative contents is the thought of intensional logic, and it is essential to correctly translate semantics of English statement. It is also very important that analyzing the intensional logical thought in PTQ system for deepening our research about formalizing Chinese.
作者 于宇 唐晓嘉
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期81-86,共6页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 蒙太格语法 内涵逻辑 语形 语义 Montague Grammar intensional logic syntax semantics
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