2005年4月~2007年9月,在内蒙古乌梁素海湿地自然保护区对彩鹬繁殖习性进行了观察,研究结果表明,彩鹬每年4月下旬迁徙到乌梁素海,常活动于乌梁素海东岸边缘浅水区、沼泽地带,6月下旬营巢于四边环水的土丘草丛中,产卵初期创浅盘状小土坑,产卵3~4枚时逐步铺垫香蒲茎、苇叶等干草。其婚配制度为鸟类中非常少见的一雄多雌或一雌多雄制。窝卵数4~7枚,日产1卵。雄鸟承担大部分营巢和孵化工作。其孵化期为18~19 d,雏鸟属早成鸟,幼雏有绒羽,出壳毛干后即能入水。居留期约为170 d。
The reproductive behavior of the painted stripe on Wuliangsuhai wetland was observed from April, 2005 to September, 2007. This bird migrated into the wetland in the late April every year and lived in shoal and marshland of the east shore of Wuliangsuhai in late June, nests were constructed in grasses and brushwood on mounds arounded by water, digging shallow pits on the ground for laying eggs and after 3 - 4 eggs were laid, hays, such as cattail stems and reed leaves, were gradually laid on eggs; its mating system was polygamous; one seldom seen in birds; 4 - 7 eggs were laid in a brood, one egg was laid per day and the male bird undertook the most work of nest building and hatching; incubation period took 18- 19 days; chickens were precocious, covered with quill- coverts and able to launch immediately after hatching. The resident period of the bird in Wuliangsuhai wetland was about 170 days.