
国外情绪智力研究述评 被引量:9

A Review of Foreign Intelligence Emotional Research
摘要 情绪智力自提出以来,已经引起研究者越来越多的关注。本文对情绪智力的概念和构成进行了介绍,并分析了个人及社会文化因素对情绪智力的影响。情绪智力能对人格障碍、青少年心理和行为以及员工和管理者的工作绩效等发挥积极作用,也能对压力及相关变量之间的关系起中介作用。情绪智力未来的研究应着重拓展情绪智力的研究内容,改进与完善评定方法,关注中国人情绪智力的研究。 More and more research has been focused on Emotional Intelligence in the recent years. This article firstly reviewed emotional intelligence' s notion and structure, and then analyzed the personal and social factors influenced on it. As an independent variable, which has positive effects on individual mental disorder, the mind and behaviors of adolescents, and the task performance of employee and supervisor. A.- a moderator, which has a moderate effect on stress and some other variables. Based on the review of the studies on emotional intelligence, the paper pointed out the necessary content of studvina emotional intelligence in the future.
作者 杨晓萍
出处 《山东教育学院学报》 2008年第6期28-30,124,共4页 Journal of Shandong Education Institute
关键词 情绪智力 影响因素 实证研究 Emotional intelligence Antecedents Positive research.
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