

4D Medical Image Processing Development Toolkit Design and Implementation
摘要 在研究同类软件ITK的基础上,设计了四维医学图像开发工具包,提出了基于ITK,VTK的开发模式.其中核心算法由C++编程实现,通过VTK实现可视化显示,利用Visual C++2005实现界面的设计和系统的集成.整个系统实现了数据输入输出、四维图像预处理、四维图像分割及辅助的测量、视角变换和物体分离等操作,形成了一个四维医学图像处理开发工具包的初步功能. Based on fore package of the design ( Visualization Toolkit), ign outstanding similar software ITK, four-dimensional medical image through VTK visualizatio The entire system incl development tool mode Programming n, using Visual C + udes: data input kit had inC + + 2005 been developed. Based on the ITK, tool VTK + algorithms is also developed from the core interfaces in the design and system integration. and output, four-dimensional four-dimensional image segmentation, auxiliary measurement and objects achieves a four-dimensional medical image processing functions for the initial image preprocessing, separation. The paper development tool kits.
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第6期657-660,共4页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y104592)
关键词 四维医学图像处理 四维图像分割 四维图像配准 4D medical image processing 4D image segmentation 4D image registration
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