
国外雇员心理健康研究综述 被引量:1

Review of Study on Employees' Mental Health in Western Country
摘要 心理健康影响雇员的生产绩效和工作满意度,雇员出现心理问题的原因主要来自工作压力,通过心理辅导和咨询来帮助雇员应对压力的雇员援助计划(EAPs)一直是心理学研究的重点。积极心理学出现后,雇员的心理资本开发才逐渐受到关注。针对我国员工心理健康研究的现状分析,规范心理健康服务制度,开展员工心理健康本土化研究,能够完善相应的组织管理制度,提高员工抗压能力和提升其工作胜任力。 Employees/mental health affects their job performance and job satisfaction. Though employees'mental problems mainly result from job stress,EAPs is what the psychological researchers focus on, which helps employees to cope with stress through psychological guidance and counseling. The employees'psychological capital development does not receive any care and attention until the appearance of positive psychology. In view of the status of employees lmental health study in our country, this paper provides some suggestions: normalizing mental health service system, starting to study employees' mental health based on Chinese context, perfecting organizational manageinent institution, increasing employee's ability to bear stress and promoting their job competency.
作者 邓子鹃
出处 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2008年第6期66-72,共7页 Journal of Huaiyin Institute of Technology
关键词 雇员 心理缝康 应时 开发 employee mental health coping developing
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