The rape pollen contains many biologically active and nutritive su-bstances that are easily spoilt by bacteria because there are abundant nutritive substa-nces. In the present study on disinfection, the rape pollen was irradiated with 2.5kGy ^(60)Coγ-ray. We used micronuciei, sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) of bonemarrow cells and chromosomal aberrations of meiotic cells in mice as an indicaterof chromosomal damage to study the mutagenicity of irradiated rape pollen. The resu-lts are as follows: (1). Micronuclei: The frequency of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes is2. 00‰; nucleated cells is 0. 85‰, in control group. In the numbers of polychromaticcrythrocytes and nucleated cells with micronuclei, there is no obviously difference inirradiated and unirradiated groups. (2) SCE: SCE incidence of control group is 2. 01±0. 12/cell. No significant dif-ference in the frequency of SCE exists between non irradited rape pollen and thecontrol groups. But the frequency of SCE in irradiated rape pollen group (3000 mg/kg/day×7) is 2. 36±0. 12/cell: high dose group (6000 mg/kg/day×7) is 2. 96±0. 14/cell. In comparison with control group, there is significant difference. (3). The meiotic chromosomal aberration: The chromatid breaks, fragments, andunivalents in primary spermatocytes have been obseved. The frequencies of chromoso-mal aberration showed no obviously difference among irradiated and non irradiated rapepollen groups. The univalent frequencies of X-Y chromosomes in the experimentalgroups didn't found the difference with the control group which is 9.2% and ovresimilar to that of the reference.
Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing