随着移动通信在中国的高速发展 ,采用GSM 90 0和DCS 1 80 0双频系统组网已势在必行。迄今为止世界上尚无双频的GSM网络存在 ,双频网络组网技术还处于起步阶段。本文首先分析了中国电信采用双频GSM系统的技术原因 ,然后对双频GSM系统组网技术中的一些典型情况作了探讨 ,并提出了各种情况下的一些组网方式。
Since 1994,mobile communication has been developping dramatically in China.Most of mobile subscribers are working in the GSM system.To further the progress,in 1996,China Telecom decided to use the DCS1800 system in the current GSM network.If successful,it will be the first dual band GSM network over the world.But the realization of dual band network is!an advancing network planning technology.This paper will describe the reason for applying such technoloy,and then discuss some practical technologies during constructing dual band GSM network.
Telecommunications Information