
酸洗+气举诱喷技术在涠洲6-1油田石炭系储层的应用 被引量:2

Application of acid pickling and gas lift in Carboniferous reservoir of Weizhou 6-1 Oilfield
摘要 介绍了一套适合于南海北部湾海域涠洲6-1油田石炭系灰岩储层的酸洗工艺,对涠洲6-1-A1h/A2h井酸洗原理、处理依据、施工工艺进行了详细说明,针对这两口井实施的酸洗+气举诱喷技术均取得了成功并获得了理想的产量,对今后南海类似油田的开发具有一定的借鉴意义。 A kind of acid pickling technology is introduced to treat Weizhou6-1 oilfield in the Beibuwan Gulf. The principles of acid pickling, evidences of treating and operation process are described in detail. Two wells in Weizhou6-1 oilfield are treated by acid pickling and gas lift, and both of them exceed the allocated oil production. This kind of technology has enormous advantages and it will be reference for similar offshore oilfields in the South China Sea.
出处 《海洋石油》 CAS 2008年第4期41-44,54,共5页 Offshore Oil
关键词 南海北部湾 石炭系灰岩 酸洗 气举 诱喷排液 Beibuwan Gulf in the South China Sea Carboniferous limestone acid pickling gas lift induced flow
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