
论掌握西方修辞对于提高中国软实力的重要性 被引量:2

China’s Soft Power and Western Rhetoric
摘要 硬实力和软实力构成一个国家的综合国力。前者仍然在综合国力中占据着支配地位而后者起着愈来愈重要的作用,甚至表现出取前者而代之的潜力与倾向。中国若不掌握西方修辞,便会在国际话语交流中始终处于疲于应付、受制于人的被动局面,更难以在修辞上与国际"接轨",赢得国际舆论对中国独特发展模式的理解与赞赏,也就是说,难以提高自身的软实力。掌握西方修辞并在对外话语交流中善于开发利用各种修辞资源并灵活采用各种修辞策略,在修辞上与西方话语伙伴周旋,是提高我国软实力的根本途径。 A national comprehensive power consists of the hard and the soft power (SP), with the former functioning as a dominant mode and the latter gaining more and more importance, threatening to take over the place currently occupied by the former. This paper holds that without familiarity and mastery of Western rhetoric, China will find herself stuck in an embarrassing situation of playing a passive role in international communication, being unable to argue for her political system and economic development mode. This paper concludes that it serves as the only way and a fundamental channel for China to build up her SP by mastering Western rhetoric, deploying every type of rhetorical resources, agilely putting into practical use all kinds of rhetorical strategies in international discursive communication and engaging Western discursive partners rhetorically.
作者 汪建峰
出处 《外国语言文学》 2008年第4期239-246,共8页 Foreign Language and Literature Studies
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  • 10鉴于当代中文以及当代中国学术话语对"修辞"一词的理解与西方的相应理解差异较大,"rhetoric/修辞"是"一对错位对应词"(刘亚猛,2004;2).考虑到"rhetoric/修辞"一词在中西语境中的含义差异甚大,又由于本文致力于从西方修辞的角度讨论"西方的中国形象塑造"这一话题,本文所讲的"修辞/rhetoric"指的是"西方修辞/Westernrhetoric".为了行文与论述方便,下文我们只用"修辞"而非"西方修辞".



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