

The Research on Grid Monitoring System Based on Web
摘要 网格监控是网格管理和网格优化的核心.本文提出了基于Web的网格监控系统——GMSWeb.该系统采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式来构建网格监控系统,通过友好的浏览器界面实现网格资源网格环境中分布式、大规模、动态、异构的计算及存储资源的各种参数的监视和控制.GMSWeb底层采用生产者/消费者模式和SOA架构实现了对网格环境下各类资源的订阅发布,显示层对中国教育网格平台CGSP中资源、网格服务、网格用户、网格作业、网络状态等信息的可视化监控. As the core function of the grid management and grid optimization, grid monitoring system helps the job management model to find the available services and resources, inform status of the object service to user. Furthermore, it helps managers of the resources to analyze the system~ performance, find the problem and fix it, allocate the resources properly. In this paper, a browser/server architecture is proposed to construct grid monitoring system -- GMSWeb and a prototype system implementation is also presented. With the friendly user interface, the system can obtain and operate parameters of grid resources which are distributed, large-scale, dynamic and heterogeneous. This architecture is well adaptive and scalable by using grid service invoking technique and adopting some features of hierarchical model and SOA architecture. The use of different information gathering mechanisms meets different monitor requirements and enables the flexibility and reliability in monitor system.
作者 朱剑林
出处 《咸宁学院学报》 2008年第6期52-55,共4页 Journal of Xianning University
关键词 网格 网格监控 基于Web的网格监控 信息通信机制 Grid Grid monitoring Grid monitoring system based on Web
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