为准确测量1 000 kv特高压交流试验线段无线电干扰.需在特高压交流试验电源和试验线段之间加装阻波器,既用于阻隔试验电源中的高频电流对试验线段无线电干扰测量的影响,也为试验线段电源侧端部提供了开路状态,可将短的试验线段结果等效至长的实际运行线路,因此阻波器是特高压交流试验线段不可缺少的设备。本文为特高压交流单回和同塔双回试验线段设计并制造了无线电干扰阻波器,并提出了新颖的安装方案。经过近1年的实际运行,阻波器运行状况良好,为准确测量无线电干扰提供了保障,可供今后其他试验线段工程参考。
To measuring precisely radio interference for 1000 kV UHV ac-testing line, wave trap coil is indispensable. It's necessary to install the wave trap coil between ac-testing supplies and the ac-testing line for UHVAC application, to prevent the influence of high frequency current in the testing supplies on measurement for the radio interference of the testing line, and provide open circuit state for the end region on the source side for the testing line. Based on which the results of short testing line are equivalent to the resuhs for actual working line. Radio interference wave trap coil is designed and manufactured for the testing line for UHVAC single-circuit & double-circuit transmission line, and its installation scheme is presented. By nearly one year operating, the wave trap coil is in good operation, and provides guarantee for measuring precisely the radio interference.
Shanxi Electric Power