

Application of Improved Operations in Dixon's Operation of Low Rectal Carcinoma
摘要 目的探讨改进型联合术式对低位直肠癌Dixon术后患者排便功能以及远期生存率的影响。方法将73例中下段直肠癌患者按照随机临床试验的原则分为两组,对照组行临床常规结肠断端与直肠(肛管)端端吻合,干预组为结肠壶腹成形术后与实施了直肠瓣以及直肠角重建术的直肠(肛管)端端吻合。术后排便效果的评价指标包括液体存留时间、排便功能、直肠测压以及远期生存率等。结果干预组术后液体存留时间的总优良率、排便功能、直肠测压以及远期生存率等指标均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论在有效提高直肠癌患者远期生存率的同时,改进的联合术式还能够有效提高低位直肠癌患者术后排便功能,从而改善其术后生存质量。 Objective To explore the effects of improved operation of rectal neoplasms on the defecation and long-term survival rate. Methods 73 patients with low rectal carcinoma were divided in two groups. Patients in the control group received general straight coloanal anastomosis, and patients in the interventional group received besides coloanal anastomosis, plastic operation of colonic ampulla combined with rectum valvel/cape reconstruction. The Function of defecation in the two groups was evaluated after operation. Results Compared to the control group, The choice rate of liquid storage time, defecation, the maximal tolerate volume and compliance and long-term survival rate in the intervention group were significantly excelled than those in the control group ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Plastic operation of colonic ampulla combined with rectum valvel/cape reconstruction can effectively improve the function of defecation and increase the survival time in those patients with low rectal neoplasms.
出处 《实用癌症杂志》 2009年第1期43-45,54,共4页 The Practical Journal of Cancer
基金 河北省科技厅科研课题(042761297)
关键词 直肠癌 壶腹成型术 直肠瓣(角)重建 联合术式 Rectal neoplasms Plastic operation of colonic ampulla Rectum valvel/cape reconstruction Associated operation
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