目的比较改良型差动直丝弓托槽与传统直丝弓托槽排齐下牙列矫治时间和牙移动特征。方法选择符合纳入标准的患者30例,随机分成两组,分别采用以上两种托槽进行矫治。统计分析排齐下牙列矫治时间和牙移动特征。结果(1)Tip-Edge Plus与传统直丝弓两种托槽在解除下前牙轻度拥挤时间上差异无统计学意义,但Tip-Edge Plus托槽解除中度拥挤和重度拥挤比传统直丝弓托槽快,且无论哪种托槽,拥挤度越大,排齐时间越长。(2)随着拥挤解除,尖牙间宽度和磨牙间宽度均增加。Tip-Edge Plus托槽组磨牙间宽度增加更大。(3)随着拥挤解除,下前牙唇倾度增加。两组间增加值差异无统计学意义。结论与传统直丝弓托槽相比,Tip-Edge Plus托槽可以更快地解除中、重度拥挤,临床上应综合考虑患者的情况,选用最佳的矫治器和矫治技术。
Objective To investigate the duration of mandibular-crowding alleviation with Tip-Edge Plus compared with traditional straight wire appliances and accompanying dental effects. Methods A total of 30 patients were selected and divided into 2 groups and received the treatment with the appliances above respectively. Statistical analyses were made to investigate the duration of mandibular-crowding alleviation and the accompanying dental effects. Results (1) No difference in the time required to correct mandibular light crowding with Tip-Edge Plus and traditional straight wire brackets was observed. For moderate and severe crowding,however, the Tip-Edge Plus group had faster correction. The greater the crowding was, the longer the treatment duration was demanded. (2)Increases in intercanine and intermolar widths associated with crowding correction regardless of bracket group were noted. The Tip-Edge Plus group showed a statistically greater intermolar width increase than the traditional straight wire group. (3) Also,an alignment-induced increase of the proclination of the mandibular incisors was observed for both bracket groups, but no difference was found between the two appliances for this increment. Conclusion Compared with traditiongal straight wire appliances,it is faster to correct moderate and severe crowding by the Tip-Edge Plus brackets. It is advisable to chose the optimal appliances according to the composite condition of the patients clinically.
Chongqing medicine