
大棕蝠江南亚种回声定位声波特征与分析 被引量:7

Characteristics and Analysis of Echolocation Calls by Eptesicus serotinus andersoni
摘要 在自建录音棚内录制大棕蝠江南亚种Eptesicus serotinus andersoni不同状态下的回声定位声波,使用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)方法对不同状态下的声波参数进行显著性差异分析和均值的多重比较,结果表明,大棕蝠江南亚种回声定位声波为短的、宽带的且能量大部分集中在第1谐波的调频型声波,伴有3~4个谐波。并且飞行、悬挂和手持状态的各声波参数均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。悬挂状态回声定位声波的声脉冲持续时间大于飞行和手持状态,飞行状态下回声定位声波声脉冲间隔最小,但回声定位声波的主频率为所有状态中最高的。回声定位声波的这些特征及差异体现了与其捕食策略和捕食生境的适应性。 Eight individuals of Eptesicus serotinus andersoni were captured at Xianren cave in Kunming city of Yunnan Province, China on June 15^th 2005 and July 8^th 2007, respectively. The echolocation calls of E. s. andersoni were recorded using Ultrasound Detector (U30, Ultra Sound Advice, UK) and the characteristics of calls were analyzed with Batsound 3. 10. The results showed E. s. andersoni emitted frequency-modulated calls with 3 -4 harmonics and the most power of the echolocation calls was 36.75 ± 4.09 kHz at free flight. The pulse duration and inter-pulse interval of one complete sound were 3.79 ± 0.50 ms and 67.13 ± 12.12 ms, respectively. And the duty cycle was 5.4 ± 4.4. A One-Way Analysis of Vafiance indicated that the calls were significantly different at flying, hanging and holding states. The pulse durations of the bats during flying and holding were shorter than those during hanging. The inter-pulse interval during flying was the shortest among 3 different states; the dominant frequency during flying was the highest. They emitted relative short duration and high frequency calls at flying in order to adapt to the clutter and distinguish barriers finely. It is considered different characteristics of echolocation calls of E. s. andersoni at three states might be to adapt to their prey and foraging habits and surroundings.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期59-63,共5页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30370261 30570311) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作交流项目(30611120010) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0309) 教育部博士点基金(20060200007)
关键词 大棕蝠江南亚种 回声定位声波 不同状态 调频声 Eptesicus serotinus andersoni echolocation calls different activity states FM component
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