

A Review on the Phylogenetic Study of the Subfamily Zapodinae
摘要 林跳鼠亚科分布在亚洲和北美洲,虽然种类及数量都不多,但对该亚科的分类和系统发育关系一直存在争议,近几年对林跳鼠亚科分子系统学的研究,产生了一些与形态学、生物地理学等研究不同的结果。本文对林跳鼠亚科系统学研究的一些工作加以述评,归纳出林跳鼠亚科在系统学方面还存在的问题,并对林跳鼠亚科系统学的进一步研究提出了一些建议。 Species of jumping mice (Zapodinae) are distributed in Asia and North American. Since molecular biological techniques are applied in the phylogeny of the subfamily Zapodinae, many excellent results have been achieved especially in recent years, but there are still some controversies in the phylogeny and taxonomy of this subfamily. The new progresses as well as some different opinions are reviewed. And some suggestions about further systematic study are also mentioned.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期157-159,共3页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(973项目,编号:100106)
关键词 林跳鼠亚科 系统学 微卫星 线粒体DNA Zapodinae systematics microsatellite mitochondrial DNA
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