
低速无线个人区域网802.15.4的安全研究 被引量:2

Research on Security of LR-WPAN 802.15.4
摘要 短距离无线通信技术近年来成为通信领域热点,其主要特征是低功耗、低成本和低数据率,可广泛应用于军事、工业控制、精准农业及医学等领域的无线传感器网络构建,将会在未来的后PC即普适计算时代发挥重要作用。同时,由于其开放传输信道和"三低"特性,安全性成为保证短距无线通信网络健壮稳定运行的关键"基石"。针对低速无线个人区域网(LR-WPAN)802.15.4,详细分析其安全架构,根据最高安全级别组件AES-CCM的底层加密算法AES和泛型CCM模式,结合安全帧格式,提出了一种AES-CCM实施的输入分组模型,并进行时间性能对比实验。针对LR-WPAN可能存在的攻击和802.15.4潜在的安全问题,提出相应的改进措施。 In recent years, short-range wireless communication becomes the hotspot in wireless industry, which has the prominent characters of low-power low-cost and relaxed throughput. It can be widely used in constructing wireless sensor network of the military, industrial control, precise agriculture and medical sensors and will play an important role with the coming ubiquitous computing age. On the other hand, due to the nature of radio communications and its inherent properties, security is a key point of providing robust and reliable network. Focusing on LR-WPAN 802. 15.4, this paper introduced its security architecture and presented an input block model based on the underlying AES encryption algorithm and generic CCM mode when implementing AES-CCM security suite. An experiment compared with traditional DES on time performance was carried out. As possible attacks and problems in LR WPAN 802. 15.4, several measurements were proposed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期71-76,共6页 Computer Science
关键词 LR-WPAN 802.15.4 安全体系 安全组件 AES-CCM 无线个人区域网 LR-WPAN, 802. 15.4, Security architecture, Security suite, AES-CCM
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