
MIMO协同中继技术概述 被引量:5

Overview on MIMO Cooperative Relaying Technique
摘要 无线协同中继技术可以提供更高数据速率,扩大覆盖面积,提高频谱效率,对抗衰落,增强系统的鲁棒性。文中研究了协同中继技术产生的背景,探讨了现有的各种协同中继方案,并对它们的性能进行了比较。着重介绍了MIMO协同中继的发展情况,并指出发展趋势和值得研究的问题。 Cooperative relaying technology could provide higher data rate, enhance enlarge the coverage of cells, raise the bandwidth efficiency, resist fading and enhance the robustness of the system to various radio environments, thus has a wide application prospect. This paper presents an overview on the background of the cooperative relaying technique, the model, especially the two users model of the relaying system, discusses the different cooperative relaying schemes, and also makes comparison of these schemes. Finally it tells of the development of MIMO cooperative relaying, points out the evolution of the relaying technique, and the problems worthy to be studied.
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第1期90-92,共3页 Communications Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.60572089) 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTCNo.2006BB2359) 中物院NSAF联合基金资助项目(10776040)
关键词 协同中继 编码协同 MIMO中继 cooperative relaying: coded cooperation: MIMO relaying
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