
流量矩阵估计方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Traffic Matrix Estimation
摘要 流量矩阵在流量工程中占据很重要的位置,精确的流量矩阵至关重要。然而直接测量流量矩阵将消耗大量网络资源,一般是不允许的。因此估计方法和统计技术得到重视,即根据对有限链路的测量数据和路由信息等先验信息,通过合理建模来推断流量矩阵。文中对现有的流量矩阵估计中几个最重要估计方法进行了分析和总结,指出它们的优点和缺陷,最后提出进一步估计流量矩阵所需要考虑的因素。 The traffic matrix information plays an important role in traffic engineering. As everybody knows, accurate traffic matrices are crucial, but the direct measurement of the traffic matrix is usually not allowed for its consuming lots of network resources. As a result, estimation methods and statistical techniques are emphasized by many researchers, that is, the inference of traffic matrix is realized by reasonably modeling, and incorporating the measurement data of limited links, as well as other prior information. In this paper, the current techniques for estimating traffic matrix are analyzed, and their the advantages and disadvantages summarized. Finally, various factors is proposed, which should be considered carefully in improving the accuracy of traffic matrix estimation.
作者 胡晗
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第1期208-210,213,共4页 Communications Technology
关键词 流量测量 源-目的对 流量矩阵估计 traffic measurement origin-destination traffic matrix estimation
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